fredag 27. oktober 2017

7.) Forced marriage = pimping + abduction + lifelong rape = Minimum 10 years imprisonment for BOTH parents for pimping their daughter and for abducting their daughter and for forcing their daughter to being exposed to lifelong rape. Minimum 10 years imprisonment for the male part of a forced marriage.

7.) Forced marriage = pimping + abduction + lifelong rape = Minimum 10 years imprisonment for BOTH parents for pimping their daughter and for abducting their daughter and for forcing their daughter to being exposed to lifelong rape.
Minimum 10 years imprisonment for the male part of a forced marriage.
- Todays date 2020. The UN has decided that marriage between first cousins is not cultural protected and therefore The UN has decided to make marriages between first cousins illegal in EVERY UN country worldwide. The UN base its decision on the Norwegian report written by Camilla Stoltenberg and based on Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein's research showing severe mental illness among IS and Taliban leaders due to generations of first cousin inbreeding.
- By doing so The UN also make forced marriages between first cousins illegal - and any other kind of forced marriages as well. The definition of a forced marriage is anything surpassing 5 on the LILY Voluntary / Involuntary Scale.
- The UN also makes marriages for anyone under 18 illegal - based on the reason that every person on the planet should complete its childhood and youth uninterrupted by marriage and life threatening childbirth(s).
On the other hand UN sets the age of consent for males to 16 and for females to 18 - based on the reason that male and female sexual readiness comes at different ages. But also to curb any male sexual deviances that develop among males being forcefully kept away from sexual relationships. 

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