lørdag 3. mars 2018

8.) TOC for this blog picturesoflily.blogspot.com and TOC for arrestjensstoltenberg.blogspot.com

8.) TOC for this blog picturesoflily.blogspot.com and TOC for  arrestjensstoltenberg.blogspot.com
ONLY in English:
Written for WHO, CIA, FBI and other world health and police forces dealing with how to prevent men raping and killing people of any age.
"How male sexual perversions are mainly self-taught during the first two years of puberty."
"Slumdog millionaire" kind of expert on weird things..."
8.) TOC for this blog picturesoflily.blogspot.com and TOC for  arrestjensstoltenberg.blogspot.com
7.) Forced marriage = pimping + abduction + lifelong rape = Minimum 10 years imprisonment for BOTH parents for pimping their daughter and for abducting their daughter and for forcing their daughter to being exposed to lifelong rape.
Minimum 10 years imprisonment for the male part of a forced marriage.
6.) The new American male "age of consent" law inspired by "Stacy's Mom".
5.) If it is possible to avoid male homosexuality - should we try to avoid it?
4.) IS 2019: Due to inbred created insanity among IS leaders - brought on by generations of first cousin marriages, The Norwegian Government, after consulting with Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein, has decided that marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.
3.) Why IS and Taliban kill and rape pre puberty girls. How extreme religion mass-produce sexual criminal freaks.
2.) JonBenet Ramsey - The murder USA did not comprehend and the lesson USA did not learn
1.) My failed 2007: "The Pictures of LILY Campaign" could have ended all sexual missbehaviour - worldwide. But The Gates Foundation was NOT interested...
ONLY in English:
This blog is COMPLETELY different from my Norwegian blog that currently is at 208.) entries: arresterjensstoltenberg.blogspot.no
Written for CIA, FBI and the current US Administration:
"To CIA: Can we create an "International World Police" based on CIA? But first: ASMUND AGDESTEIN VS"
"I have trained since 1978 to Detect, Comprehend and Solve local problems in 93 countries - CIA next?"
29.) A clumsy way to apply for an unofficial job for CIA, FBI and the current US Administration as an team of two advanced experts within the field of problem comprehension and multilayer problem solving. . My CV is 92 countries traveled. Approximately 94,000 miles cycled on push bike in 50 countries outside Western Europe. Approximately 2,000 places slept since 1961. Her CV is the CV of a Professor at UiO and nearly as impressive as my CV - just totally different - that is why we would be perfect together as world leaders within the fields of problem comprehension and multilayer problem solving - with the possibility to discuss problems nearly 24/7. And living in Las Vegas in my dear Nevada - because we need the peace and open space of the semi-desert to think thoughts no one has ever thought before within the fields of problem comprehension and multilayer problem solving... Six years after Russian Embassy, Vladimir Putin and FSB started blackmailing Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg for deliberately not stopping the mass murder ABB before the 22. July 2011 massacre, I hereby - out of my pure kindness - give Russian Embassy, Vladimir Putin and FSB four members of the Norwegian Parliament who are pedofile sexual predators or borderline pedofile sexual predators and therefore are easy targets and easy victims for Russian Embassy, Vladimir Putin and FSB to blackmail.
28.) TOC for this blog arrestjensstoltenberg.blogspot.com and TOC for picturesoflily.blogspot.com.
27.) TOC for the first and original text I wrote for CIA between April 2014 and January 2016. "My aim is to get NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrested."
26.) TOC for two Norwegian blogs: arresterjensstoltenberg.blogspot.no and runebjerkearresteres.blogogspot.no
.25.) Famous Americans I have met.
24.) Let D. Rodman play down the importance of fathers and grandfathers.
23.) Let Dennis Rodman give North Korea 1 million TV sets.
22.) My lifelong interest in North Korea explained.
21.) I would like to work for CIA, FBI and the current US Administration.
20.)  TOCs moved to 26.)
19.) I need my 10 years long Thailand visit ban lifted.
18.)  TOCs moved to 28.)
17.) To CIA and FBI: Teach employees ventriloquism!
16.) My CV: 92 Countries Traveled. 50 Countries Crossed by Bicycle Outside Western-Europe. Approximately 2,000 Different Places Slept.
15.) The UN apologize for Mr. Agdestein's behavior in Myanmar in January 2019.
14.) No matter what, I will still want to work for CIA. Almost no matter what I still want to work for the current US Administration.
13.) To CIA: All communication between vladimir putin/FSB and jens stoltenberg goes through jens stoltenbergs wife, Ambassador to Belgium, ingrid schulerud.
12.) Is the jens stoltenberg/vladimir putin/FSB castration of NATO imminent?
11.) Cryogenics + "consecutive cloning" = Does vladimir putin plan to rule Russia - and the world - for a "1,000" years?
10.) Do not fully trust Erna Solberg! She has some sort of "Mexican Standoff deal" with Jens Stoltenberg and Labor Party!
9.) Denver police ALMOST shot me June 13, 1997 outside the U.S. District Court Building in Denver - at the VERY minute mass murderer Timothy McVeigh got his death penalty sentencing. Somehow I had trespassed past a police roadblock and saw to my slight amusement - and fright - that TV crews were looking scared at me...
Thanks A LOT to the unknown senior police officer who immediately saw that I was harmless and no bomb threat to all the TV crews!
(Oh shit! - I had forgotten the severity of the situation! - I just found my ATM Transaction Record at 16:32 [Denver ATM shows 4:32 PM MDT or EDT?] from The Bank of Denver: 1534 California St.)
8.) To change the world for the better is not difficult. Can I work for the current US Administration on international issues - and even on US domestic issues?
7.) "The world is gravitating towards perfection." + My thirst to acquire wisdom.
6.) I would like to work for CIA on international issues.
5.) confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk
4.) "Written for CIA". - But did CIA read it? The truth finally explained.
3.) TOC: 1. - 10.: omsvindelogbedrag.blogspot.com
2.) Why the complete 2016.01.17 blog has FIVE tables of contents - TOCs.
1.) The complete CIA text from 2016 - I will rewrite and update it later.

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