lørdag 21. oktober 2017

4.) 2019: Due to inbred created insanity among IS leaders - brought on by generations of first cousin marriages, The Norwegian Government, after consulting with Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein, has decided that marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.

4.) IS 2019: Due to inbred created insanity among IS leaders - brought on by generations of first cousin marriages, The Norwegian Government, after consulting with Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein, has decided that marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.
(- Original title: "IS 2019: Camilla Stoltenberg, Sylvi Listhaug and Asmund Agdestein: Marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.")
Due to the handing over of the Norwegian Crown from former King Harald to present King Haakon, discussing marriages between first cousins has been made possible. Prior to the handing over of the Crown it was seen as an insult to the King to discuss marriages between first cousins, because King Harald is the son of first cousins Queen Martha and King Olav.
Marriage between first cousins is made illegal in Norway from todays date 2019.
Marriages between first cousins that took place after 2000.01.01. will be annulled unless wife has passed menopause OR wife accepts sterilization.
Sweden has agreed to accept to trade family for family for those refusing to live in Norway under the new laws. Sweden will be given 100.000 SEK in compensation for each family exchanged.
The reason for the decision to make first cousin marriages illegal was the report written by Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein showing that the aggression exhibited by IS leaders is closely related to DNA samples of IS leaders showing insanity relating to centuries of first cousin interbreed.
In addition Camilla Stoltenberg wish to point out that most forced marriages are between first cousins, and by making first cousin marriages illegal, there will no longer be a need for father and mother to kidnap and drug their own daughter to force her to marry her first cousin. 
Camilla Stoltenberg also wish to pinpoint that centuries with inbreed can potentially make a future President in e.g. Pakistan start a nuclear war due to an inbreeds persons lack of ability to think clearly AND an inbreeds persons uncontrollable aggression, shown SO clearly among IS leaders, AND an inbreeds persons lack of self control, again shown SO clearly among the IS leaders who thought raping their own sisters was OK. 
And never ever think again that "it doesn't matter what I do because I am only one". 
Everything matters! 
Everyones decision matters! 
Camilla Stoltenberg again wish to clarify, in her mild mannered ways, the issue with first cousin inbreed - and remember if you do first cousin marriages in ten or more generations you end up with the horrific inbreed problems the world can see in most IS leaders. 
“If you inherit the gene from one parent, you may get a slight degree of the condition. Inherit it from both mother and father, the stronger the disposition, and then you can get a more serious disorder.”
In addition Asmund Agdestein wish to point out that they will try to make first cousins marriages illegal in most world countries by 2030.
Asmund Agdestein wish also to point out that the newly elected Democratic Government of North Korea has taken upon itself to lead the work forward. North Korea was among the first countries in the world to make marriages between first cousins illegal.
As a secretary of the "Norway 2025 project" I wish to remind you all that Asmund Agdestein almost singlehandedly made the guidelines for:
"The World Without Dictators - Full Pardon and Forgiveness before 2018.12.31."
For those of you who have been critical and saying Asmund Agdestein is TOO forgiving and TOO full of willingness to solve problems "at any cost" - let me just remind you that it was HE who executed the new dictator, with a bullet in the neck, in that African country June 16. 2019...
For those of you who have been critical and saying Asmund Agdestein is TOO cruel and TOO willing to make an example to scare dictators in spe - let me just remind you that the cooperating dictator in the neighboring African country killed himself June 17. 2019 writing in his suicide note that he rather kill himself than risking having Asmund Agdestein executing him in front of his own children - children and wife being forced to watch in "A clockwork orange" style.
For those of you who do not know: Wife and children are all administered a harmless drug that will make it impossible for them to remember anything that they "see".
the point is NOT to harm wife and children - the point is to make dictators in spe to think again - and as the dictator who so joyfully committed suicide on June 17.2019 showed: The scare tactics WORKS wonders!
Camilla Stoltenberg has now repaid what she owed to the Norwegian society through the cooperation with Asmund Agdestein and the "Norway 2025 project". Camilla Stoltenberg owed Norway due to the criminal cooperation between her and her brother jens stoltenberg,
She is now free to resume her own life but wish to remain - this time fully paid - in the Eva Joly, Karen Helene / Asmund Agdestein Group:
 - A Group redefining World Democracy and World Transparency in the: 
1.) "Norway 2025 - TRULY the best Modern Nation in the World"
 - And then the: 
2.) "World 2035 Project."

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