fredag 20. oktober 2017

3.) Why IS and Taliban kill and rape pre puberty girls. How extreme religion mass-produce sexual criminal freaks.

3.) Why IS and Taliban kill and rape pre puberty girls. How extreme religion mass-produce sexual criminal freaks.
I allways claim that education and modernism kills off extreme religious belief.
IS and Taliban is screwing up my predictions and I am pissed off!
- In 1978, at the age of "non stop randiness 16", I was in a cheap hotel in a strict Muslim part of Fez or Meknes in Marocco. Surprise, surprise I needed a "w." badly, but with no magazines to look at, I did what all randy local boys and men do, we look out the window to look at something enticing.
So at the age of 16 I understood that in strict Muslim countries the only females seen on the streets with the face naked are pre puberty girls.
And the only other females puberty boys see are the faces of their mother and sisters.
So from puberty until wet dreams end, they dream of whoever they shouldn't dream of. Now THAT is what I call nightmares.
Maybe not so strange some of them end up in IS and Thaliban?
I finish it some other time...

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