fredag 27. oktober 2017

7.) Forced marriage = pimping + abduction + lifelong rape = Minimum 10 years imprisonment for BOTH parents for pimping their daughter and for abducting their daughter and for forcing their daughter to being exposed to lifelong rape. Minimum 10 years imprisonment for the male part of a forced marriage.

7.) Forced marriage = pimping + abduction + lifelong rape = Minimum 10 years imprisonment for BOTH parents for pimping their daughter and for abducting their daughter and for forcing their daughter to being exposed to lifelong rape.
Minimum 10 years imprisonment for the male part of a forced marriage.
- Todays date 2020. The UN has decided that marriage between first cousins is not cultural protected and therefore The UN has decided to make marriages between first cousins illegal in EVERY UN country worldwide. The UN base its decision on the Norwegian report written by Camilla Stoltenberg and based on Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein's research showing severe mental illness among IS and Taliban leaders due to generations of first cousin inbreeding.
- By doing so The UN also make forced marriages between first cousins illegal - and any other kind of forced marriages as well. The definition of a forced marriage is anything surpassing 5 on the LILY Voluntary / Involuntary Scale.
- The UN also makes marriages for anyone under 18 illegal - based on the reason that every person on the planet should complete its childhood and youth uninterrupted by marriage and life threatening childbirth(s).
On the other hand UN sets the age of consent for males to 16 and for females to 18 - based on the reason that male and female sexual readiness comes at different ages. But also to curb any male sexual deviances that develop among males being forcefully kept away from sexual relationships. 

søndag 22. oktober 2017

6.) The new American male "age of consent" law inspired by "Stacy's Mom".

(I write this without research - I will write it better later.)
6.) The new American male "age of consent" law inspired by "Stacy's Mom".
Why does my opinion on this count?
- I was 13 when I entered puberty and puberty's "wet dreams" endless terror.
All I could fantasy about was older women inspired by underwear commercials and my 9 years older brother's Playboy magazines.
- I had my first intercourse when I was 16 (11 days before my 17 birthday) with a Norwegian teacher (she was NOT my teacher - until that night...) MILF who was 37 years old. It happened in Inverness in Scotland after we had traveled together for almost a week - but sleeping in separate Youth hostel dorms.
At that time youths as young as 15 years old could get married in Scotland - so she did nothing illegal.
YouTube makes a calculated playing list from what kind of music I like to play.
Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl (Dirty) is actually one of my favorite American video - and it has been for oooh so many years. It is SO American!
But YouTube insist that I like "Stacy's mom" by "The fountain of Wayne"
- and I don't want to start an argument with YouTube...
Each time a news reporter in the US goes "A 30 years old woman has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for having had intercourse with a 16 years old boy."
And when 90% of the male population goes: "Lucky Boy! Too bad about his woman!" then you SHOULD be able to UNDERSTAND that your laws are NOT fine tuned enough.
I finish the text some other time because I need to come up with a
"Romeo and Julie rescue plan" for similar aged soulmates...

254.) Påstår BT at NHH planla den AP/DNB organiserte økonomiske kriminaliteten i Norge gjennom "Den AP okkuperte korrupte og kriminelle Statsbanken DNB"? (Forbedret.)
253.) Både Jens Stoltenberg og jeg forakter dere alle.
252.) APs Nasjonal Narsissisme forklart.
251.) Mine kommentarer på + +
249.) Ifølge Politimester Kaare Songstad er bl.a drap, landssvik og politisk og økonomisk voldtekt av Norge og Nordmenn ikke straffbart.
248.) Fikk Vladimir Putin/FSB Ambassaden til å hjelpe A.B.B. for å eskalere 22. Juli ødeleggelsene for så å lettere kunne utpresse Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg bl.a slik at NATO Generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg er Vladimir Putin/FSBs øyne, ører og stemme i NATO? 
247.) Jens Stoltenbergs NATO medarbeidere slutter en etter en. Har de innsett at Jens Stoltenberg er Vladimir Putin/FSBs øyne, ører og stemme i NATO?
234.) Putin/Stoltenberg/Mæle-vennlige har stengt meg ute fra å komme med flere kommentarer...
233.) Jens Stoltenberg er villig til å fortelle sannheten i bytte mot 100% SIKKERHET for han selv + hans Ambassadør kone + hans barn og barnas familier.
232.) Mine kommentarer på og de siste ti dagene.
231.) Top 10 Nasjoner til min Engelske blogg: Grunnen til den store interessen fra Russland kommer sannsynligvis fordi - "min beste venn siden gymnaset" - H.A.G. advarte sitt søskenbarn(?) Trond Gisk om at jeg hadde direkte kontakt med Amerikansk Etterretning og at Trond Giske naturlig nok advarte Jens Stoltenberg som naturlig nok advarte Vladimir Putin/FSB. 1.) Norge 2275. 2.) Russland 1202. 3.) Ukraina 902. 4.) Thailand 876. 5.) USA 568.
230.) Fikk Trond Giske sitt søskenbarn(?) H.A.Giske til å spionere på meg og min kontakt med CIA gjennom den Amerikanske Ambassaden i Bangkok?
229.) Statsminister Jens Stoltenbergs del-skyld i "22. Juli 2011" + "valgfusk" ved Stortingsvalget i 2009 kort forklart. 
228.) 2018: Mine kontroversielle #MeToo blogginnlegg om 5 TOPP politikere med alvorlig personlighetsbrist.
227.) 2017 - 2018: 6 nye blogger. Innholdsfortegnelse / TOC for 7 x + forklaring + kort biografi om Norges viktigste varsler.
226.) 2014 - 2016: Skriving for Amerikansk Etterretning for å få NSA til å overvåke oppsopet Jens Stoltenberg 24/7.
225.) 2009 - 2013: Skriving om AP/DNBs Svindeltrekant DNB/Rune Bjerke/DNM - OSE/Bente Landsnes/VPS - NTM.
224.) 2008 - 2010: Skriving om JUM. - Saker som nå alle er strafferettslig foreldet.
223.) 2008: Skriving om Repant AS / Microlux AB / Bevesys OY investorsvindel - strafferettslig foreldet i 2025.
217.) Jeg er utestengt fra Politihuset, Media City, NAV, HO, BT og Nettavisen.
197.) ALLE Nordmenn SKAL leve sine liv slik at de ikke senere i livet FORTJENER uthenging - Før eventuell FORTJENT fengselsstraff! Capice?
184.) Hvordan greide kriminelt oppsop som Jens Stoltenberg og Trond Giske manipulere Norges befolkning til å tro at de var "Guds gaver til Norge"?
183.) Statsminister Erna Solberg regner med at konsekvensene for Høyre blir for store hvis DNB blir nullet mens hun er Statsminister, derfor tør hun ikke få Vest-Europas farligste person siden andre verdenskrig, NATOs Generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg, arrestert. 
171.) Norge skal ikke la kriminelt oppsop forsøple NATO og Stortinget!
170.) Forbedret: Estimert 100 selvmord utløst av svindelsamarbeidet DNB/Rune Bjerke/DNM - OSE/Bente Landsnes/VPS. Prosentvise straffbare skyld av selvmord:
169.) Top 10 Nasjoner til min Engelske blogg: 1.) Norge 2275. 2.) Russland 1202. 3.) Ukraina 902. 4.) Thailand 876. 5.) USA 568.
165.) Valgfusket som kostet 77 liv og førte til indre okkupasjon av Norge.
164.) Siv Jensen truet Jens Stoltenberg med HVA foran Stortingsvalget i 2009?
163.) "Fingeravtrykkene" til Nina Skage, Hans Sverre Sjøvold og Jens Stoltenberg: "Jeg ville egentlig ikke ha jobben..."
162.) Hvis NHH nekter å felle AP/DNB blir Nina Skage og Frøystein Gjesdal / Øystein Thøgersen arrestert OG stilt for Okkupasjonsrett. I tillegg vil NHH bli forvist fra Bergen.
160.) Okkupasjonsrett straff settes til 10 ELLER 20 år fengsel. Dommen er endelig og kan ikke ankes.
159.) Okkuperer Jens Stoltenberg Norge for Vladimir Putin/FSB?
135.) NSA har sannsynligvis bevisene for at APs PST, SMK og RAK visste om ABBs planer for Regjeringsbygget.
134.) Derfor lot Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg + APs PST 77 mennesker bli drept.
133.) Jeg kunne ha forhindret "22. Juli 2011" TO ganger.
132.) Jeg skriver "Provocation entrapment" for NSA. Jens Stoltenberg vet hva det er men han får ikke advart alle...
128.) De 20 som regner meg som Top 50 smarteste i Norge:
127.) Jeg fikk Jens Stoltenberg overvåket 24/7 av USA fra April 2014.
126.) Langley eller Washington? Jeg og "US Embassy" i Bangkok.
125.) Thailand. 7 År i utlandet. Min skriving for Amerikansk Etterretning forklart.
124.) Ao Tan Khu. 7 År i utlandet. Strandrydderen som gjorde landsbyen rik.
123.) Thailand + Cambodia: 7 År i utlandet: Privatetterforskende i fra Trat forklart.
122.) Istanbul: 7 År i utlandet: Privatetterforsking i Istanbul forklart.
113.) "Norge er gjennomkorrupt land"
104.) Hvis Jens Stoltenberg/Vladimir Putin får meg skutt blir det jeg skriver KVALITETSSTEMPLET!
97.) Norgeshistoriens viktigste Varsler varsler for Norgeshistoriens sløveste generasjoner...
93.) "Alt starter med noe eller noen." > Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg.
92.)  "Det er sterke krefter i sving nå. Vi takker for din innsats og ber deg om å dra tilbake (for din egen sikkerhets skyld). Vi tar over."
91.) "du er den viktigste skribenten her i landet..."
90.) Div mailer fra OSE og Økokrim.
85.) Jens Stoltenberg er Vladimir Putin/FSBs øyne, ører og stemme i NATO.
80.) AP/DNB/OSE voldtar dere og NRK/TV2/A-pressen håner dere...
79.) Hvis NRK forsvarer kriminelle AP/DNB/OSE = NRK TVANGSNEDLEGGING!
77.) Norge: Som "Groundhog Day" / "En ny dag truer" blant kriminelle og 10-åringer.
76.) 10 Sekunder: "TV2 lager INGEN reportasje på dette!"
74.) NHH har lovet å se på
73.) 22. Juli fordelene for AP APs PST og APs Riksadvokat Tor-Aksel Busch.
59.) Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg skyldig i over 100 selvmord
58.) AP/DNBs Svindeltrekanten har utløst "100" selvmord siden 1. Januar 2007.
53.) APs PST vs. Meg og "mitt" CIA + Mahatma Gandhi.
52.) Derfor lot Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg + APs PST 77 mennesker bli drept.
51.) Meg på HO for to år siden om drapet på Jan Wiborg:
50.) TV2 KVALITETS-STEMPLET Jens Stoltenbergs beordrede drap på Jan Wiborg som selvmord.
49.) APs kriminelle oppsop: TV2, A-pressen, NRK, DNB, OSE, NTM, RAK. SATANS AP/DNBs Norge!
48.) Derfor beordret Jens Stoltenberg drapet på Jan Wiborg.
47.) DU og DINE barn ble økonomisk og politisk voldtatt i 10 bortkastede år...
45.) Hvorfor Norge IKKE har presse og media som den Femte Statsmakt:
44.) 2009: Jeg burde ha berget Demokratiet i Norge, men etterforsket og skrev om Svindeltrekanten DNB/DNM - OSE/VPS - NTM i stedet...
42.) Riksrett for Lars Sponheim for deltakelse i valgfusk ved Stortingsvalget i 2009?
41.) Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg: Lars Sponheim KVALITETSSTEMPLER 2009 valgfusket.
40.) Statsminister Jens Stoltenbergs 2009 valgfusk grunnet Siv Jensens trusler.
39.) Ap/Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg. "vant" 2009 Stortingsvalg på valgfusk / velgermanipulasjon.
15.) Hvem er min og Norges MEKTIGSTE hovedfiender? Hvis jeg blir drept i år er det på grunn av dette innlegget...
10.) Hvordan og "hvorfor" har noe slettet alle Økokrim og Finanstilsyn mailene - unntatt en?
9.) BT/NRK/TV2 ringte politiet og kastet meg ut av mediebygget Media City i Bergen...
7.) 50 mNOK til meg fra svindlerne: Ola Mæle, Per Kverneland og Systemair AB, SYSR, seriesvindler Gerald Engstrøm.
10.) Written 2016.01.17. for CIA.
Are NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Russian President Vladimir Putin the worlds most dangerous friends?
1.) Originale Norske bloggtekst fra 2014 - Skrevet 2014.02.16. Forbedret frem til 2015.01.17. Tittel: "Norge i NATO. AP finansierer hemmelig, ulovlig, ukontrollerbar og udemokratisk stat i Staten gjennom organisert aksjesvindel."

lørdag 21. oktober 2017

5.) If it is possible to avoid male homosexuality - should we try to avoid it?

5.) If it is possible to avoid male homosexuality - should we try to avoid it?
Today, and up through history, some of the best creators have been homosexual men.
If the world decides to prevent young boys to become homosexuals, IF it is possible to guide them, the world will be a blander place to live in.
On the other hand are male homosexuals prosecuted and even killed in some countries.
Not to mention all those homosexual boys and men who each year commit suicide.
All in all I guess we should guide boys in early puberty away from homosexuality - IF it is possible.
I never understood WHY straight men HATE homosexual men.
If a bar had 49 homosexual men and 50 straight or bi-sexual women - even I would be able to enjoy a bed full of women...
So again WHY do straight men HATE homosexual men? It does NOT make sense - because less competition means more fun for the rest of us...

4.) 2019: Due to inbred created insanity among IS leaders - brought on by generations of first cousin marriages, The Norwegian Government, after consulting with Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein, has decided that marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.

4.) IS 2019: Due to inbred created insanity among IS leaders - brought on by generations of first cousin marriages, The Norwegian Government, after consulting with Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein, has decided that marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.
(- Original title: "IS 2019: Camilla Stoltenberg, Sylvi Listhaug and Asmund Agdestein: Marriages between first cousins will from now on be illegal in Norway.")
Due to the handing over of the Norwegian Crown from former King Harald to present King Haakon, discussing marriages between first cousins has been made possible. Prior to the handing over of the Crown it was seen as an insult to the King to discuss marriages between first cousins, because King Harald is the son of first cousins Queen Martha and King Olav.
Marriage between first cousins is made illegal in Norway from todays date 2019.
Marriages between first cousins that took place after 2000.01.01. will be annulled unless wife has passed menopause OR wife accepts sterilization.
Sweden has agreed to accept to trade family for family for those refusing to live in Norway under the new laws. Sweden will be given 100.000 SEK in compensation for each family exchanged.
The reason for the decision to make first cousin marriages illegal was the report written by Camilla Stoltenberg and Asmund Agdestein showing that the aggression exhibited by IS leaders is closely related to DNA samples of IS leaders showing insanity relating to centuries of first cousin interbreed.
In addition Camilla Stoltenberg wish to point out that most forced marriages are between first cousins, and by making first cousin marriages illegal, there will no longer be a need for father and mother to kidnap and drug their own daughter to force her to marry her first cousin. 
Camilla Stoltenberg also wish to pinpoint that centuries with inbreed can potentially make a future President in e.g. Pakistan start a nuclear war due to an inbreeds persons lack of ability to think clearly AND an inbreeds persons uncontrollable aggression, shown SO clearly among IS leaders, AND an inbreeds persons lack of self control, again shown SO clearly among the IS leaders who thought raping their own sisters was OK. 
And never ever think again that "it doesn't matter what I do because I am only one". 
Everything matters! 
Everyones decision matters! 
Camilla Stoltenberg again wish to clarify, in her mild mannered ways, the issue with first cousin inbreed - and remember if you do first cousin marriages in ten or more generations you end up with the horrific inbreed problems the world can see in most IS leaders. 
“If you inherit the gene from one parent, you may get a slight degree of the condition. Inherit it from both mother and father, the stronger the disposition, and then you can get a more serious disorder.”
In addition Asmund Agdestein wish to point out that they will try to make first cousins marriages illegal in most world countries by 2030.
Asmund Agdestein wish also to point out that the newly elected Democratic Government of North Korea has taken upon itself to lead the work forward. North Korea was among the first countries in the world to make marriages between first cousins illegal.
As a secretary of the "Norway 2025 project" I wish to remind you all that Asmund Agdestein almost singlehandedly made the guidelines for:
"The World Without Dictators - Full Pardon and Forgiveness before 2018.12.31."
For those of you who have been critical and saying Asmund Agdestein is TOO forgiving and TOO full of willingness to solve problems "at any cost" - let me just remind you that it was HE who executed the new dictator, with a bullet in the neck, in that African country June 16. 2019...
For those of you who have been critical and saying Asmund Agdestein is TOO cruel and TOO willing to make an example to scare dictators in spe - let me just remind you that the cooperating dictator in the neighboring African country killed himself June 17. 2019 writing in his suicide note that he rather kill himself than risking having Asmund Agdestein executing him in front of his own children - children and wife being forced to watch in "A clockwork orange" style.
For those of you who do not know: Wife and children are all administered a harmless drug that will make it impossible for them to remember anything that they "see".
the point is NOT to harm wife and children - the point is to make dictators in spe to think again - and as the dictator who so joyfully committed suicide on June 17.2019 showed: The scare tactics WORKS wonders!
Camilla Stoltenberg has now repaid what she owed to the Norwegian society through the cooperation with Asmund Agdestein and the "Norway 2025 project". Camilla Stoltenberg owed Norway due to the criminal cooperation between her and her brother jens stoltenberg,
She is now free to resume her own life but wish to remain - this time fully paid - in the Eva Joly, Karen Helene / Asmund Agdestein Group:
 - A Group redefining World Democracy and World Transparency in the: 
1.) "Norway 2025 - TRULY the best Modern Nation in the World"
 - And then the: 
2.) "World 2035 Project."

fredag 20. oktober 2017

3.) Why IS and Taliban kill and rape pre puberty girls. How extreme religion mass-produce sexual criminal freaks.

3.) Why IS and Taliban kill and rape pre puberty girls. How extreme religion mass-produce sexual criminal freaks.
I allways claim that education and modernism kills off extreme religious belief.
IS and Taliban is screwing up my predictions and I am pissed off!
- In 1978, at the age of "non stop randiness 16", I was in a cheap hotel in a strict Muslim part of Fez or Meknes in Marocco. Surprise, surprise I needed a "w." badly, but with no magazines to look at, I did what all randy local boys and men do, we look out the window to look at something enticing.
So at the age of 16 I understood that in strict Muslim countries the only females seen on the streets with the face naked are pre puberty girls.
And the only other females puberty boys see are the faces of their mother and sisters.
So from puberty until wet dreams end, they dream of whoever they shouldn't dream of. Now THAT is what I call nightmares.
Maybe not so strange some of them end up in IS and Thaliban?
I finish it some other time...

2.) JonBenet Ramsey - The murder USA did not comprehend and the lesson USA did not learn.

2.) JonBenet Ramsey - The murder USA did not comprehend and the lesson USA did not learn.
The text comes later.

1.) My failed 2007: "The Pictures of LILY Campaign" could have ended all sexual missbehaviour - worldwide. But The Gates Foundation was NOT interested...

1.) My failed 2007: "The Pictures of LILY Campaign" could have ended all sexual missbehaviour - worldwide. But The Gates Foundation was NOT interested...
Hello Bonita xx Xxxx or someone else at Avert.

Remember me? Asmund Agdestein ( the Norwegian with 
the strange campaig idea to nearly stop the spread of Aids among people 
under 25 in Sub-Saharan Africa?
i have a feeling most aid organisations have a woman reading the e-mails and 
since woman don't understand Lily they reject it as something stupid and, 
unlike you, don't write back. You still don't understand it fully, do you?

A few weeks ago i wrote repeatedly to UNAids asking for the e-mail of a man 
who still remember his youth, who grow up in the West (to use magazines is a 
western idea), who knows Africa and who hopefully is an expert on Aids.
Whithout telling them what the idea was all about, i "promised" them nearly 
to stop the spread of Hiv among people under 25, and as they grow older 
nearly to stop the spread of Hiv in Africa.
So it was a bit strange not to get a reply back. UNAids doesn't have a reply 
e-mail so i used bartonknotts and topory.

But do you at Avert have acsess to an expert (or several) and send me 
his/their e-mail?
Or it actually may be better if you send this directly to him/them, since it 
then is coming via Avert it would be more likely he would read it.
The campaign has evolved a bit since last time. The rest of this e-mail i 
sendt to "The Gates Foundation" four times. i stopped sending it about a 
month ago so they would not close my Hotmail accout for spamming. i have 
however updated it now.

So can you at Avert send me the e-mail to one or several male Aids 
Or forward this to him/them?

If you are a woman continuosly blocking this e-mail at Gates Foundation then 
please show it to a man who is able to remember his own youth.
A woman will most likely not be able to understand LILY.

"The Pictures of LILY Campaign."
Will drastically reduce the spread of HIV in Africa.
It just needs someone to start it.
Can Gates Foundation do that?
And use the distribution network to "all" the aid organisations in Africa.
And the school and healthcare system in each country.

          My name is Asmund Agdestein and I am a 45 years old man from 
Norway. I am writing to you from istanbul in Turkey. I am now cycling from 
Central Asia via Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia to Russia and beyond.
   For the last 30 years or so I have travelled in more than 80 countries.
The last 18-19 years on several trips by bicycle.
   I know internationally very well that the main thing any older boy/young 
man is programmed to be interested in, is sex. And I know how easy it would 
be to distract most of them with something that is not "the real thing".
I have managed to distract myself that way for 30 years, but that is beside 
the point.
   My last normal trip before I became a cyclist was through North-West 
Africa in 1985-86.
In towns and cities I would normally stay at the cheapest hotels and they 
would very often double as brothels.
What the attraction was with being the 10th costumer with a prostitute that 
evening while the 11th was banging on the door telling him to hurry up, I 
never understood.
I remember one conversation through paper thin walls in Ghana, Liberia or 
maybe it was Gambia:
"You can't come to me with this, you have to see a doctor!"
"But I thought you could tell me what it is!"
At that time AIDS was new. I told brothel owners that there was a new V.D. 
discovered. But they would claim their women would not get anything because 
they were so careful.

So my idea is simply to try to distract as many older boys/young men as 
possible untill they grow old enough to fall in love and get married.
The inspiration I got from the old The Who hit "Pictures of Lily". In the 
song a father gives his son "dirty pictures" so he shall get rid of his 
sexual frustration and be able to sleep at night.
"The Pictures of LILY Campaign" gives each older boy/young man a magazine of 
60-80 pages psycologically made to get them to fall somewhat in love with 
the models in the magazines.
The magazines will have some information about AIDS and some scary looking 
photos of VD infested reproduction organs.
There will also be an introduction where a Christian leader writes something 
about having sex with someone you are not married with is a very serious 
religious sin, while "sexual independence" (masturbation) is no sin at all 
in todays AIDS situation.
Each magazine will have 5-6 different stories with 5-6 different women aged 
between 20 and 25 years. Maybe one model European/American one Asian and the 
rest African. That way their fantasies will partly be for a race they can 
get and for two they can't get.
Three magazines will be printed so they can borrow and swap from their 
That way they have a total of 15 to 18 models to fall in love with and to 
keep them busy until it is time to get married with someone in real life.
Each and every older boy/young man following LILY will have a normal life 
with falling in love and girlfriends and so on.
Only difference LILY is using scare tactics, forgiveness and psycology to 
keep them away from going into activity that can give them AIDS.

LILY keeps what is pure and uncontaminated completely pure until marriage.
It will not help everyone but close to everyone is far better than what we 
got today.
Every page of the three magazines are covered in thin, thin nonflameable 
durable plastic so grandpa can't tear them and grandma can't burn them.
Durble enough to still be useable after being used many hundered times over 
the years.
Each story ends with the model being naked. And in the older boys/young mans 
fantasy he is her boyfriend and lover.
It follows European soft porn standard: No men involved and no fingers or 
objects being used.
Each picture story ends with a strip tease. If a older boy/young man prefers 
to see her dressed, half dressed or naked, he can choose. If it is too tame 
he will not be hooked on soft porn. And will look for something that can 
give him AIDS. And if it is hardcore it will be too offensive. Even for me.
I have used soft porn for 30 years and I feel no need to go into hardcore.

To get someone hooked on soft porn, we will get the best results if they 
starts at puberty before they wenture into the world of sex that can kill 
them. Lets say as many as 80% of the boys who enter this at first stage will 
be faithful to LILY until they get married. Even if we hook someone at a 
later stage where he allready has HIV but doesn't know, he can't go on 
spreading it to others who spreads it to others and so on.

LILY stands for: Life, I Love You!
And preaches sexual abstinence with the magazines to make it possible.

There may be someone who says soft porn can make problems for some. So what? 
The aim is to save Sub-Saharan Africa, not each and every individual. (No, 
that is not harsh. Just realistic.)
Gradually the boys/men will not get HIV nor will they spread HIV. The girls 
will get true boyfriends and not only boyfriends who are just interested in 
sex. And the boyfriend she gets she can easily controle by telling him to 
manage the sex part in privacy on his own with LILY. So he will stop at the 
limits his girlfriend and society sets.
If she doesn't get raped by someone who has HIV, she will be HIV free when 
she is ready to get married. And she has healthy HIV free young virgin "men" 
to choose from. When they are apart he can "stray" with his wife's blessing 
with LILY.
Family planning becomes easy under these sircumstances too.

LILY will slowly but surely nearly stop the spread of AIDS among people 
under 25.
When they grow older a nation where the spread of AIDS will nearly stop will 

Why can't I get people to understand this?
What is wrong with the way I'm explaining it?
Or what is wrong with The Pictures of LILY Campaign?
Please tell me!

I even have come up with a new theory why so many African men so easily take 
part in genocides like in Rwanda and Congo. And what made their personality 
"thorn" in the first place. But it is too long to write it here. If you want 
it I can mail it to you.
So LILY protects them and slowly but securely nearly stops the spread of HIV 
in Africa.
Even if you come in with drugs that keep them alive it will never be a full 
life, like a life without HIV will be.
LILY is a offer of a normal life without HIV.
And gradually a nation where the spread of HIV nearly stops will again be a 
And, depending of the sucsess in each country, LILY will gradually make 
Sub-Saharan Africa and especially Southern Africa no longer areas on the 
edge of the abyss.

In Africa very few people know that nude magazines exist, and Christians 
have told them that to have "sexual selfcontrole" (masturbate) is a sin. So 
they are stuck with natural male reproductiv urges and only something that 
can give them AIDS to controle it with.

LÝLY starts in the countries where soft porn is not forbidden, and then 
later get them to change the law in the countries where it is not against 
their religion.
The people of the different countries should off course them selves decide 
if they want LILY or not. The leaders of each country should be asked if 
they want LILY or if they rather want their people decimated by AIDS.
The towns, villages and parents should be asked if they want this campaign 
or if they rather have their sons and daughters killed by AIDS.
Then neighbours can preassure non interested neighbours to take part and 
create areas where HIV is no longer spread to young people. The young people 
grows older and a AIDS "free" nation becomes a reality again.
The willingness to try anything to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa is much 
stronger than even you are able to understand. Some parents would probably 
lock up their children until they got married if only it was practical.

If I get no responce from you I will move to plan B. I didn't get a response 
from CARE UK, and AIDS Alliance (two with nearly same name). Only 
Avert managed to answer. So with no responce from you too (The Gates 
Foundation) I will ask Africa if you are correct in asuming they don't want 
it or that it is not the "correct" way to save peoples lives.
If you are right they don't want it and no demand will come.
But if you are wrong multipel demands will come simultaniously from multipel 
Since you don't have deep religious ties or a great number of people to slow 
down the process, the demands will be directed at you mainly.
In 1996, on my way back from Alaska, I remember I bought a good soft porn 
magazine with only African American models in Seattle. To try to cope with 
the demand I suggest you have different issues printed on good quality paper 
and to have a few million printed as a first order. When the first wave of 
demands have subsided you can move to send them designer soft porn/lifesaver 
Maybe you will call it "The grin and bear it campaign"? You can use the 
network to all existing organisations. Espessially CARE's network.

When I struggeled for over a month with organisations who didn't want to 
answer me (they got 5-6 e-mails each) I came up with a plan how I would be 
able to manipulate existing organisations like CARE and start new 
organisations like All to create an illusion that everything is 
being done for Africa while in reality "nothing" is done to stop the spread 
of AIDS. Africa would then move towards the abyss and with the age group 
seeding and harvesting or getting the income for the family dead, or to ill 
to work, a famine with mass starvation and millions of deaths would get 
This is so easy to start even I would be able to organise it. And of the 
worlds more than 20 million racists who want Africa to fail and die, some 
are more intelligent than me. So something is going on and I guess you 
allready have noticed it.

A side affect of the plan would be that with 10-20 countries close to 
collapsing the West would have no choice but to start the worlds biggest aid 
organisation to feed 100's of millons of people causing the world economy to 
go into a tailspin.

The report is called: The Conspiracy Against Sub-Saharan Africa.
Undertitled: "Ku Klux Klan's" use of pharmaseutical companies and new or 
existing aid- funding- and support organisations to create 21st century's 
biggest and deadliest scam.
KKK is just used as a suggestion but they are interested in AÝDS and how 
easy it would be, in their racist minds, to spread it among Africans.
The story is called something like AÝDS_worse_than_butonic(?)plague.
It is a "police" report but I send it to you if you are interested. 
According to my calculations most aid organisations will in addition be 
infiltrated by one or more racists working against the organisation and 
against Africa. Maybe even yours.

If you don't understand "The Pictures of LILY Campaign" then show this 
e-mail to a man who can remember his own youth and he will explain it to 
I don't like computers so I don't know how to move documents around on one 
so all correspondance with me must go with ordinary Hotmail.

In Africa more than 7.500 people get HIV every day. To think I have found 
the solutin, to over time, reduce the number from 2.8 million to far less 
than one million a year is slowly driving me insane. Because nobody manage 
to take it seriously and give me a desent answer.

If you want my theory why so many Africans get a "thorn" self, or the 
five-six e-mails I sendt to the other organisations and/or the "police" 
report. Tell me. This time I only write to you.

Abstinence with a placebo is the best solution we got to fight the spread of 
Or in other words: LILY.

Maybe a year from now you will hear an African boy say:
I will grow up and not do anything that can give me AIDS.
When I am old enough I will get married.
Then we will have two-three children that we will care very well for.
When our sons reach puberty I will give them what they need to avoid AIDS.
LILY shows me how.
LILY cares for me as I will care for my sons.
I love LILY!
Life, I Love You!

"Help your sons and save your country!
Stop the spread of AIDS!"
Greetings from Asmund Agdestein, currently in istanbul, Turkey.